Posted by : Magnus Wednesday, 20 June 2012

jQuery tooltip scripts are definitely one of the building blocks that should be used when developing and designing the web pages. jQuery tooltips scripts are extremely easy to install as well as set up and they assist the designers in offering certain extra information on various important elements besides making the browsing experience for each and every visitor interesting as well as smooth.
Simple as well as minimalistic design is always good for an user and his usability and these tooltips really help the users to achieve this ability by allowing the programmer to adopt a “not show it all” design. A number of jQuery scripts and tooltip can be availed and some of them are free of cost while others are premium. Check out the demos and documentation to make sure you find what suits your needs best.
Let us discuss some of these scripts and plugins which are available at free of cost. These free of cost tooltips and scripts help a number of websites and the jQuery Slider and jQuery Carousel really play an extremely important role in designing the featured posts and pages, products and so on.
qTip, which is a latest jQuery plugin issued in designing the extremely popular jQuery JavaScript framework. Typically designed to be user friendly and rich in features, this particular plugin provides the users with innumerable features like pages with rounded corners and the speech bubble tips. And most importantly, this is absolutely free of cost and is available under the MIT license.

About jQuery Tooltip

Certain tooltips are extremely sleek, handsome and modern and any user would like it. These are very practical in appearance and are apt for any websites. The one which is entirely transparent and black, is the best of the lot.
Another very useful tooltip is EveryTip. This is actually a jQuery plugin and is applicable for designing the title tag of any element. Apt from that, it converts the tag into an individual dynamic bubble. This can be applied on any type of element like .img, li, div, a, span, and so on. This plugin by default is capable of detecting all the elements of a particular type on the entire page and can add a tooltip to the page. It supports HTML, and thus it is possible to display all the HTML tags that are present within a particular tooltip.
Another very important as well as user-friendly tooltip is BeautyTips. It is actually am easy-to-use balloon-help type of plugin. It is possible to set any element on a particular webpage so as to show a talk-balloon carrying any text or HTML different bindable events like hover and click. These balloons can be drawn dynamically with the use of elements of canvas HTML5.
Besides, the other options available include corner radius, stroke width, spike length and width and so on. The balloons have the ability automatically position itself on the basis of the most accessible areas in a display window and they can also be positioned in accordance with the string of preferences available.
Another specific type of tooltip never fades away but follow the trail which the user takes while hovering around the other links. It is a simple tooltip but at the same time, its animation is just brilliant.
Another jQuery script operates by popping up definite bubbles or tooltips from the buttons of sidebar navigation.

Free jQuery Tooltip Scripts and Plugins



jQuery and CSS3 Simple Tooltip

Simpletip – A simple jQuery tooltip plugin


TipTip jQuery Plugin

jQuery (mb)Tooltip

Premium jQuery Tooltip Scripts and Plugins

Sequential Tooltips jQuery

Shiny Tooltips

jQuery Tour – the flexible Tour plugin


Fresh Tooltips

Generic Popups (jQuery)

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