Posted by : Magnus Wednesday, 25 July 2012

If you are familiar with web design for the last 12 months or more then you might just heard of responsive web design.Well,responsive web design or mobile friendly web design is basically the concept of building a website that allows the layout and elements adapt itself according to the device people are viewing. In today’s post we have gathered jQuery plugins for responsive web design.I know you heard many of them but there are also fresh responsive jQuery plugins in the collection.


responsive jquery plugins
Elastislide uses the jQuery Touchwipe Plugin which allows you to obtain the wipe event on an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.
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Flexible Slide-to-top Accordion

responsive jquery plugins
A simple responsive accordion that, when opened, will slide to the top of the viewport and reveal the content by fading it in.
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responsive jquery plugins
Blueberry is an experimental opensource jQuery image slider plugin which has been written specifically to work with fluid/responsive web layouts.
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responsive jquery plugins
FitText makes font-sizes flexible. Use this plugin on your fluid or responsive layout to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element.
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Response JS

responsive jquery plugins
Response JS is a lightweight jQuery (or Zepto) plugin that gives web designers tools for building performance-optimized, mobile-first responsive websites. It provides semantic ways to dynamically swap code blocks based on breakpoints and serve images (or other media) progressively via HTML5 data attributes.
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jQuery Masonry

responsive jquery plugins
Masonry is a dynamic grid layout plugin for jQuery
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responsive jquery plugins
An exquisite jQuery plugin for magical layouts. Enables filtering, sorting, and dynamic layouts.
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responsive jquery plugins
A jQuery plugin for making scrolling presentation decks
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Responsive Image Gallery with Thumbnail Carousel

responsive jquery plugins
Learn how to create a responsive image gallery with a thumbnail carousel using Elastislide. Inspired by Twitter’s “user gallery” and upon a request to show an integration of Elastislide.
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Photo Swipe

responsive jquery plugins
PhotoSwipe is a FREE HTML/CSS/JavaScript based image gallery specifically targeting mobile devices.Compatible with lots of mobile devices and all popular JavaScript libraries and development frameworks.
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ResponsiveSlides.js v1.22

responsive jquery plugins
ResponsiveSlides.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slideshow using images.It works with wide range of browsers including all IE versions from IE6 and up. It also adds css max-width support for IE6 and other browsers that don’t natively support it.
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responsive jquery plugins
Hoverizr is a really small (2.5KB minified) responsive jQuery plugin that outputs manipulated images on top (or below) your targeted images.
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responsive jquery plugins
A lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds.
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responsive jquery plugins
Written using CSS3 transformations and available as a jQuery Plugin. Currently a sideshow and accordion are available.
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responsive jquery plugins
A jQuery responsive slider with touch support and AJAX image gallery.
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rlightbox – a jQuery UI mediabox

responsive jquery plugins
rlightbox is a jQuery UI mediabox that can display many types of content such as images, YouTube and Vimeo videos.
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Responsive Images

responsive jquery plugins
The goal of this technique is to deliver optimized, contextual image sizes in responsive layouts that utilize dramatically different image sizes at different resolutions.
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Pull Down for Navigation

responsive jquery plugins
A simple and effective way of removing a button from the interface and a great use of touch screen input. This technique has been widely adopted amongst a range of different apps.
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responsive jquery plugins
Glisse.js is a simple, responsive and fully customizable jQuery photo viewer. You’ll like the transitions between two pictures entirely assumed by CSS3.
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jQuery Anystretch

responsive jquery plugins
Anystretch is a jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized background image to any page or block level element. The image will stretch to fit the page/element, and will automatically resize as the window size changes
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responsive jquery plugins
a jQuery plugin for producing big, bold & responsive headlines.
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Responsive Thumbnail Gallery

responsive jquery plugins
jQuery Plugin for creating image galleries that scale to fit their container.
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responsive jquery plugins
FlexSlider has been verified in Safari 4+, Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.6+, Opera 10+, and IE7+. iOS and Android devices are supported as well. jQuery versions 1.3+ are supported
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responsive jquery plugins
TinyNav.js is a tiny jQuery plugin (362 bytes minified and gzipped) that converts dropdowns for small screen. It also automatically selects the current page.
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Simple Responsive Menu

responsive jquery plugins
If you’re on a mobile phone or if you narrow the browser window you’ll see a menu button appear which upon pressing displays the considerably unexciting menu and pressing it again retracts it.
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responsive jquery plugins
A simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized background image to any page.
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responsive jquery plugins
Doubletake dynamically updates the src of your images based on the browser width. Start with a small, mobile-friendly image in your HTML. Doubletake will use a defined set of breakpoints to update image SRCs when necessary.
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responsive jquery plugins
jQuery.carouFredSel is a plugin that turns any kind of HTML element into a carousel. It can scroll one or multiple items simultaneously, horizontal or vertical, infinite and circular, automatically or by user interaction.
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Automatic Image Montage with jQuery

responsive jquery plugins
With the following script you can automatically create a montage, either for a liquid container or a fixed size container (including fullscreen), with the option to fill all the gaps.
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responsive jquery plugins
fancyBox is a tool that offers a nice and elegant way to add zooming functionality for images, html content and multi-media on your webpages. It is built at the top of the popular JavaScript framework jQuery and is both easy to implement and a snap to customize.
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responsive jquery plugins
Define breakpoints for your responsive design, and Breakpoints.js will fire custom events when the browser enters and/or exits that breakpoint.
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responsive jquery plugins
Camera is a responsive slideshow based on Diapo slideshow but improved a lot.
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responsive jquery plugins
bgStretcher is a jQuery plug-in which allows you to add a large image (or a set of images) to the background of your web page and will proportionally resize the image(s) to fill the entire window area. The plug-in will work as a slideshow if multiple images mode is used (the speed and duration for the slideshow is configurable).
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responsive jquery plugins
jQSlider follows a new approach in sliding content. Where most slider-plugins are moving the whole list of slides when animating, jQSlider animates only the list with two visible slides at the time. But the most important difference is, that it is not cloning the first (respectively last) slides to realize a circular movement.
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jQuery Flex Vertical Center

responsive jquery plugins
This jQuery plugin provides an easy way to vertically center an element in its parent. Even if the parents height changes after resizing the browser window, in a fluid or responsive layout for example.
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responsive jquery plugins
A responsive, accessible dialog jQuery plugin for presenting information and prompting for user action.
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responsive jquery plugins
Responsive drop-down navigation for mobiles and small screen devices.
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Refine Slide

responsive jquery plugins
RefineSlide is a 3D transform/CSS transition-enabled jQuery plugin for displaying responsive, image-based content.
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{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. This is just an awesome collection of jQuery plugins, just what i was looking for. Thanks for sharing!


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